Parent coaching can help enhance your relationship with your children, teach strategies that are tailored to your family challenges and feel more confident as a parent.

Parent Education & Coaching

We all know that children don’t come with a training manual.  And for most of us, our only teachers were our own parents.  For some, those experiences were positive but for many, the experiences were not ideal.  I educate and support parents as they learn effective ways to communication with their children and/or teens in a respectful positive way.  The goal is to empower parents by developing effective parenting tools and build a stronger more positive bond.

Parent coaching can help enhance your relationship with your children, teach strategies that are tailored to your family challenges and feel more confident as a parent.  This service is offered individually and in group settings.

New Program:  Please enquire about a new 6 week program that I offer called Fear-Less from Triple P Parenting.  It’s an awesome program that teaches parents how to help their children deal with anxiety.  It is offered individually and in group settings.